This post will guide you about first people in the world, first invented thing in the world, first country in a particular field like science or innovation. Here all the information are gathered from the good sources, if any one of them is found incorrect, please help to correct by putting a comment below. Let’s go through the general knowledge about first in the world.
First in the world (Male & Female)
First men to climb Mt. Everest | Sherpa Tenzing Norgay & Sir Edmund Hillary (29th May ,1953) |
First man to reach North Pole | Robert Peary |
First man to reach South Pole | Ronald Amundsen |
First religion of the world | Santosh Dharma |
First country to print books | China |
First country to issue paper currency | China |
First country to start Civil Services Competition | China |
First President of United States of America | George Washington |
First prime Minister of great Britain | Robert Walpole |
First secretary general of United Nations | Trigve Li |
First country to make education compulsory | Prussia |
First country to win the world cup Football | Uruguay (1930) |
First country to make a constitution | United States of America |
Pakistan’s fist Governor General | Mohammed Ali Jinnah |
First Summit of NAM was organized in | Belgrade (former Yugoslavia) |
First European to visit China | Marco Polo |
First men to fly an aeroplane | Wright Brothers |
First person to sail around the world | Ferdinand Magellan |
First country to send human to Moon | United States of America |
First country to launch satellite into space | Russia (former USSR) |
First country to host the modern Olympic games | Greece |
First President of the Republic of China | Dr. Sun Yat-sen |
First city to be attacked with Atom bomb | Heroshima (Japan) |
First Radio Telescope Satellite was launched into space by | Japan |
First Russian (Soviet) Prime Minister to visit India | V.I. Bulganin |
First University of the world | Taxila University |
First man to set foot on the Moon | Nell Armstrong (U.S.A) |
First man to go into space | Major Yuri Gagarin (USSR) |
First Space Shuttle Launched | Columbia |
First space ship landed on mars | Viking –I (July,1976) |
First woman Prime Minister of England | Margaret Thacher |
First woman Prime Minister of any Muslim country | Benazir Bhutto (Pakistan) |
First woman Prime Minister of a country | S. Bhandarnayake (Sri Lanka) |
First woman cosmonaut in space | Valentina Tereshkova (USSR) |
First woman to climb Mt. Everest | Junko Tabei (Japan ) |
First deaf and dumb to cross the Srait of Gibraltar | Taranath Shenoy (India) |
First woman president of UN General assembly | Smt. Vijayalakshmi Pandit (1953) |
First European Invader of Indian soil | Alexander, The Great |
First woman to reach the North pole | Ms. Fran |
First woman to reach Antartica | Caroline Michaelson |
First man to draw the map of earth | Anexemander |
First man to compile Encyclopaedia | Aspheosis (Athens) |
First eldest man to climb Mt. Event | Richard Wass |
First Asian to win Wimbledon Trophy | Arthur Ashe (U.S.A) |
First man to win Nobel Prize for Literature | Rene F.A. & Suilt Pradhom (France ) |
First man to win Nobel Prize for Peace | Jin F. Dunant (Switzerland) & Frederic Peiry (France) |
First man to win Nobel prize for Physics | W.K. Roentgen (Germany) |
First man to win Nobel prize for Chemistry | J.H. Wenthoff (Howlland) |
First man to win Nobel Prize Medicine (Medical Science) | A.E. Wonn Behring (Germany) |
First man to win Nobel Prize Economics | Ranger fish (Norway)& John Tinbergen (Howlland) |
First woman President of a country | Maria Estela Peron (Argentina) |
First Space Tourist (Male) | Dennis Tito |
First Space Tourist (Female) | Mrs. Anousheh Ansari |
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